Residential or commercial fire insurance claims can be very complicated. Submitting them to your insurance company so that you get the money you need to rebuild can be even more complicated. Many times your insurance company is only going to address the initial, obvious fire or smoke damage. They’re not going to look for hidden […]
Let’s face it, it’s not often that someone will need our help with their insurance claim when the sun is shining and life is going perfectly. One thing we have learned over the years is that we are often called to help when life is at it’s worst. We have a great deal of respect […]
While public insurance adjusters can charge for their services in many different ways, the typical arrangement with Houston Insurance Claims and in Texas for Public Adjusters is to charge a percentage of the settlement amount. A Texas & Houston, TX Public Adjuster will normally charge 10% of the settlement amount. These fees are charged on […]
Public Insurance Adjusters are like any other tool. Some are more effective than others. Some are a better fit because of personality, and others are a better fit for your claim because of experience. Public adjusters tend to have a “type” of claim that they prefer, or that they “specialize” in. Some claim to be […]