Water Damage Claim? We Can Help!

Houston Public Adjuster Water Damage Claim

Water damage claims come in all shapes and sizes. Everything from a small trickle or air conditioner leak to a burst pipe and flood that fills your building with water and damages everything it touches.

Obviously we never want you have to severe damage, but sometimes it happens. When it does, you’ll need to make sure your insurance company is on their “game”.

There can be alot of moving parts in a water damage claim. As a Houston Public Adjuster we see water damage claims with a good bit of regularity.

Regardless of the cause, you will probably need a good Public Adjuster on your side to make sure the insurance company addresses everything you need them to. Believe me, they will pretend to “over pay” on something just so they can get away without paying you for something else down the road.

We have a great deal of experience with water damage claims. We’ve worked commercial and residential water losses. We have also worked Large Loss commercial and residential water losses. Those two types of claims are a bit different, and if you’ve ever had a Large Loss or known someone who has the difference can be staggering.

In some instances wide spread personal property or content damage will occur. We also assist with this portion of your claim for you. Rest assured that you won’t be left alone to fend for yourself when it comes to organizing and pricing your items. We’ll help and provide guidance every step of the way.

We work our water damage claims almost exactly the same making adjustments to the process for the type, size and source of the water damage. This ensures a consistent outcome for estimates, photos, content lists, pricing and other claim categories.

We’ll make sure your insurance company answers the “hard” questions and addresses the “small” things on our estimate in order to get you back to where you were before the loss. Many times insurance companies will leave thousands of dollars on the table hoping you won’t come back for it. Don’t let that happen.

Have a water damage claim that was underpaid or denied?

Let us know how we can help. Our consultations are always FREE!

Steve Wiley - PIA
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